This image making project is all about generating imagery relevant to a day in my life. From the beginning I struggled thinking off a day of which to illustrate, and whether to make one image or a series. After speaking with relatives I was made aware of a specific day when I slept walked in the middle of the night into the back garden apparently "looking for dinosaurs!" My tutor seemed to like the idea of somehow illustrating this and through research I began to come up with an illustrative concept. Three images were produced. One for the Morning, afternoon and night.
Originally the compositions were hand drawn, scanned and vectorised. With alot of time remaining to work on the brief I figured experimenting with different media would be a sensible direction to go in. After days of preperation a mesh screen was prepared to be printed. Each image was printed on an indivual sheet of card and in its own ink.
Anyway, recently I have mounted the images in preperation for hand in at the end of the year. Before doing this however I had to pick and choose the best of the bunch.