A self directed photography brief for a university module. Based heavily on photography I wanted to produce an outcome which was mainly image. The idea for the project was to create an unusual yet creative picture book using photography. Originally my research was heavily drawn towards different photography methods and how I could make a scene look different to what it actually was. This then gave me the idea to craft my own scenes and what better way to do so than build them yourself.
The book is a story of a man called Jerry who becomes entangled in a murder story and witnesses someone being killed. In a bid to escape unnoticed he rushes home to find his wife and loved ones slaughtered. The story unwinds into a full bore massacre and no one escapes unscathed.
The scenes used were comprised of modeling materials from Hornby's model railway collection. The houses and factory buildings were all built from kits which were laying around in the attic and the characters were purchased from an online miniature railway store. As for the scenery etc, soil and other modeling materials were sourced to craft realistic bases for the models.